The LUMVI-X team is made up of scientists and engineers from a consortium of public and private-sector organisations.
EC Project Officer: Dr. Sabri Mekaoui
Space Applications Services Founded in 1987, Space Applications Services is an independent Belgian company specialised in the research and development of innovative systems, solutions and products. Its activities cover manned and unmanned spacecraft, launch/re-entry vehicles, control centres, robotics and a wide range of information systems. Space Applications Services has been involved in Space Resources technology definition and breadboarding activities for more than 10 years.
Open University Based in the United Kingdom, the Open University conducts world-class research in over 150 countries. Its Planetary and Space Sciences Research Institute has a long history of involvement in major Solar System exploration missions, collaborating in the development of instruments on Cassini Huygens, Genesis, Rosetta and ExoMars, amongst others.
Technical University of Munich Ranked among the top ten most innovative universities in Europe in 2018, the Technical University of Munich conducts cutting-edge research in natural sciences, engineering sciences, life and food sciences and medicine.
OHB OHB is a systems specialist and one of the leading independent forces in European space. From satellites to solar system exploration, the company has over 35 years of experience in groundbreaking international projects such as the Galileo navigation system, the International Space Station and ExoMars.
Dynamic Imaging Analytics Dynamic Imaging Analytics specialises in developing and delivering high performance imaging solutions. The team is led by Dr Neil Murray, who has over 15 years’ experience in designing novel imaging solutions for space missions and terrestrial applications.
DLR The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its Institute of Optical Sensor Systems investigates and develops active and passive optical sensor systems for satellites, flying platforms and robotic systems, in collaboration with national and international partners.
LZH Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH) has been engaged in research, development, consulting, training and education in the field of photonics and laser technology since 1986. It specialises in optical components and systems, optical production technologies and biomedical photonics.